
A person's smile is often the first feature that people notice when they meet, and we all know that first impressions are important. While we believe that every smile is beautiful, there are a lot of options in cosmetic dentistry that can help you improve the look, balance, and symmetry of your smile. When it comes to changing the look of a smile, dental veneers are among the most impactful treatments available in cosmetic dentistry. 

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are wafer-thin shells that are used to cover the front, visible portions of a patient's teeth with the goal of changing the smile's appearance. 

Dental veneers are most commonly made of tooth-colored porcelain because porcelain has a translucent quality similar to that of tooth enamel, making it the most natural-looking and durable material in dental care. Porcelain dental veneers are a permanent treatment that must be maintained throughout a patient's lifetime to preserve the health of the natural teeth. 

Dental veneers can also be made from composite resin which is slightly less translucent and slightly less durable than porcelain. Composite veneers, however, are a popular option because they require less preparation of the natural tooth, making them a non-permanent treatment option. 

What Can Dental Veneers Do?

Dental veneers offer a wide array of applications, as they can be used to create virtually any look a patient desires. Dental veneers are commonly used to:

  • Improve the balance or symmetry of a smile
  • Mask permanent stains or discoloration and brighten and even the appearance of the teeth
  • Correcting the appearance of an irregularly sized or shaped tooth
  • Cover up minor chips or wear
  • Fill in gaps between the teeth
  • Create the appearance of a straight smile by covering up crooked teeth
  • Hide old dental work such as silver amalgam dental fillings

Dental veneers are a purely cosmetic treatment. So, if a severely chipped tooth or compromised filling is present, then treatment with a dental crown or dental bonding might be more appropriate to protect, strengthen, and preserve the natural tooth. 

How Dental Veneers Work: What to Expect From the Process of Getting Dental Veneers

The process of getting dental veneers is fairly simple and straightforward. It requires just a couple of quick dental appointments.

During the first appointment, we examine your teeth and talk with you about your goals for getting dental veneers. We then prepare the surface of your teeth by scoring and washing the dental enamel with a special chemical. This ensures a strong bond between the dental veneers and your teeth. Once prepped, we take detailed three-dimensional scans of your teeth that are used in the design of your new veneers. We then cover your teeth to protect them while a dental laboratory manufactures your new set of dental veneers.

Once your veneers are ready, we have you come into our office for placement. We first make sure the surfaces of your teeth are clean and ready for placement. We then place the veneers, using dental cement to create a secure bond. Once finished, we can make any adjustments you desire. 

Caring for Dental Veneers

With proper care, porcelain veneers can last up to 15 years. To prolong the life of your dental veneers, we recommend continuing your normal oral hygiene routine by brushing (with a soft-bristled toothbrush) and flossing regularly.

Additionally, avoid chewing on any hard objects or foods and limit your intake of highly pigmented foods and drinks such as red wine, dark-colored sodas, coffee, tea, chocolate, and berries. Do not smoke or use chewing tobacco. 

If you have bruxism or participate in athletics, protect your veneers with a nightguard or athletic mouthguard. 

Are There Any Alternative Treatment Options for Dental Veneers?

The available alternatives to dental veneers really depend on the patient's needs, treatment preferences, and goals. While there are other treatments that can deliver some of the results that dental veneers deliver, there aren't any other options exactly like dental veneers. 

For example, professional teeth whitening treatments can help patients achieve brighter, more evenly colored smiles but whitening doesn't otherwise alter the appearance of the teeth. Dental caps or crowns can completely cover a tooth, but they require more drastic preparation than dental veneers and are generally recommended for restorative purposes or for cosmetic purposes on fewer teeth. 

Request a Smile Makeover Consultation

To learn more about dental veneers and other cosmetic treatment strategies for revitalizing the look of your smile, we welcome you to request a consultation with our dentist. We specialize in helping patients achieve their smile goals from both a health and an aesthetic perspective, and we will be happy to help you determine the best treatment plan to create the smile of your dreams. Contact our dental office to learn more or request an appointment today.

Learn More About Veneers

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